Western Maine CA$H Wrapped up for TY 2024
United Way and Western Maine CA$H are finished preparing taxes this year. If you had your information into us by March 15th, then we are working on them and will be in touch! The United Way office will be open (by appointment) for reviews and pick ups, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8am - 2pm.

Have you heard?? Ryan Wilford and his friends Adam Schoff and Evan Spencer are doing a 100 mile wilderness hike and raising money for United Way's Hope Fund! Check out his pages and following his journey! If you'd like to support his passion for outdoor recreation and youth, you can find all his links and donate here!
If you're looking for COLOR RUN results or photos, click here for the full results, or here for the age group results and for photos from Scott Landry, click here!
Corporate Champion Circle members are passionate about our community and appreciate the power of joining forces with United Way to make a difference and increase visibility.
Corporate Champion Circle members
Welcome to our newest member of the Corporate Champion Circle...
A breakout group discussion at the first ever Hunger Solutions Exchange.
Advocate to reduce food insecurity by contacting Food Hub Coordinator Justus Hillebrand at foodhub@uwtva.org.
Hear remarks from the Hunger Solutions Exchange
United Way of the Tri-Valley Area is proud to have Turner Publishing as a Media Sponsor.