Workplace Campaign
The opportunity to engage potential donors where they work has been the hallmark of United Way. For more than 130 years, employees of companies large and small have opened their doors to United Way staff, volunteers and Community Partners so they may learn more about the impact of their giving. Employees may give through payroll deduction or by making a direct gift.
Resources for Employee Campaign Managers
Tips for Running a Successful United Way Campaign
I’m Glad You Asked! Frequently Asked Questions about United Way
A Dozen Interesting Things You May Not Know About United Way of the Tri-Valley Area
United Way at Work: Your Dollar Buys….
United Way, Campaign Profile Sheet
Campaign Coordinator Follow-Up Checklist
Opportunities for Involvement beyond the Campaign
United Way welcomes contributions by individuals too! Please click here.
Loaned Executive Opportunity
United Way has a small staff with big ambitions. It can increase its capacity significantly, and provide a meaningful experience for a new or seasoned professional, by hosting a Loaned Executive during the busy fall campaign season. You can help. Talk to your employer about your interest in being a Loaned Executive, of if you are in a position to sponsor a Loaned Executive, please consider doing so.
Contributions to support the Gordie Flint Loaned Executive program are also welcomed. This fund allows United Way to recruit an energetic, motivated, and creative professional and support their employment with United Way for up to 12 weeks.