Western Maine CA$H (Creating Assets, Savings and Hope)
CA$H IMPACT SUMMARY - Look at what we have done!
“My refund will go into savings so I can pay for emergencies and car repairs.”
- Kim McDermott, Jay
“The tax refund I am getting will help me immediately pay off some of my debt. I work part-time and have gotten behind and this is definitely all already allocated. I have been rejected for fuel assistance because I make just a little bit too much money. This has been a hard winter because I work in the school district and only get paid when I work. We have had so many snow days this winter it has been hard to keep up.“
- Bernice Hoisington, West Farmington
“The tax refund I am getting will help me immediately pay bills. I just had some vehicle repairs and I will either pay for that or invest in another vehicle.“
- Marcia Siebenmann, Farmington
“I will put my refund into savings to pay for car repairs and other emergencies.”
- Theresa Phillips, Livermore
“The tax refund I am getting will help me immediately pay my bills. I have had medical bills lately that I want to pay down.“
- Heidi Tomlins, Farmington
Hear about volunteers' experience preparing taxes...
Taxes are prepared January through March annually. Taxes are prepared by IRS-certified volunteers and e-filed. To schedule an appointment call 778-5048 x1 or email freetaxprepservice@gmail.com. As of March 31, 2023, we are no longer making appointments for the 2022 tax year as we wrap up this tax season.
Feel free to visit www.cashmaine.org for more information on the program and the benefits to you!
Anyone interested in becoming an IRS-certified tax preparer should call Chelsie at 778-5048 x4 each year to be set up for the training before tax season. We provide extensive training and support throughout. Being a volunteer tax preparer is a great resume builder and a HUGE help to our community!
“The process was easy and well managed. My taxes are pretty basic, but this program was able to help me with a few more complicated aspects of my taxes. I was able to use the money I saved towards other important things, like my family.”